Yes, you can. However, understand that any crypto received to your Breet's address will be converted to fiat automatically.
This means if you try to exchange Ethereum for Bitcoin and you use your Breet's Bitcoin address as the recipient address, once the exchange is completed and the Bitcoin is transferred to your Breet address, it'll be automatically converted to Naira or Cedis, depending on your default fiat wallet.
What Use-case Can This Work For?
If you have a coin that is not supported on Breet's crypto-to-cash system (E.G SHIBA INU COIN), you can choose to convert such coin to a coin that is supported (E.G BITCOIN) and use your Breet's address for the supported coin as the recipient address. By this, the crypto-to-crypto system will convert the SHIBA to BITCOIN, and you will get the cash for it. Easy peasy.