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What Is Automatic Settlement?
What Is Automatic Settlement?
Updated over 2 months ago

This is a new feature that allows you to automate the process of withdrawing your funds after every transaction.

When turned on, after every transaction, a withdrawal will be placed for you. This means you don't have to do anything at all.


- If the transaction amount is not up to the minimum withdrawal amount, the automatic settlement fails and the transaction proceeds go to the user's wallet.

- If the transaction amount is not in 100s (which most likely will not), the nearest 100 is processed for withdrawal and the balance is deposited to the user’s wallet E.G If the transaction amount is 24235, 24200 is automatically processed as withdrawal and 35 is deposited to user wallet.

- For security reasons: A verification code is sent to the user’s email before changes can be made to this feature.

You can find this feature under Account Preferences in the Settings page.

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